Sweden: Immigration Now the Public’s Number One Concern

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2016


Maybe even Sweden will figure out their crap.

Not holding my breath though.


An annual attitudes survey conducted by a Swedish university has shown interest in migration has exploded in the past twelve months, making it the single greatest concern for voting age citizens.

In 2016, over half of Swedish citizens called immigration their most important electoral issue, according to research by the University of Gothenburg Society, Opinion, and Mass Media (SOM) institute. The survey has measured the state of feeling in Sweden every year since 1986, but has seen a “dramatic change” since the 2014 measure.

SOM Research director Henrik Oscarsson said of the change: “In 2015 27 per cent took migration as the most important social issue. By the latest measurement, migration is not the dominant issue for most Swedes. A whole 53 per cent call it so,”reportsFriaTider.

Mr. Oscarsson said normally there were a number of issues vying for the top spot, but this year unusually one was well ahead of the others.

Although more people now see migration as an important issue, Swedish media reports on the findings stress this doesn’t actually show a hardening of attitudes towards mass migration. Sweden’s Göteborgs-Posten reports that opposition to refugees has consistently fallen over the near 30 year course of the survey.

In 2016 those wanting to take fewer refugees stands at 40 per cent, down from 43 in 2015.


That’s because every year, there are more “new Swedes” involved in the survey. Don’t have to be a math wiz to figure that one out, guys.