Sweden: Invading Hordes to Get Free Computers, Internet Connections Paid for by the Government

Islam Versus Europe
December 2, 2013

Yeah, nigga, yee.  What now, niggas?  Now we be up in dem internets, shit just got rill as fugg.  Yall niggas can't handle what we be doin in dees tubes.
“Yeah, nigga, yee. What now, niggas? Now we be up in dem internets, shit just got rill as fugg. Yall niggas can’t handle what we be doin in dees tubes.” -Illegal immigrant in Sweden, speaking about his first experience with teh interwebs

Are you an illegal immigrant? Do you live in Malmo? Have you been on welfare for at least four months? Then you have the right to get a computer from the municipality for free.

The day before yesterday the City Council in Malmo decided on new guidelines for social assistance or income support as it is now known.

The new guidelines stipulate that families with children who have been on welfare for at least four months are entitled to have a computer and internet connection paid for by the municipality. Households without children must be on welfare for six months before they qualify for a free computer, says Sydsvenskan.

So-called “undocumented children”, i.e. illegal immigrants with a declared age under 18 years, may also be entitled to computers on the same terms as the others.

Source: Friatider.se

The same municipality has also been refusing for years to collect hundreds of millions of kroner owed to it by an Iranian association. When a court ruled that it had to collect the debt, the municipality, bizarrely, chose to waste taxpayer money fighting multiple legal appeals against the decision! It didn’t want to collect the money it was owed because doing so might force the Muslim association, which it said had “social importance”, to close down.