Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2014

Peter Wolodarski, Jewish editor of the Swedish newspaper DN, has launched a campaign on to use the paper to demand both war with Syria and more Swedish immigrants into Sweden, FriaTider has reported.
When Wolodarski took over the editing role at DN, he promised that he would focus on what he called “agenda-setting journalism.” For example, he made a show of a story about the terrible, horrible conditions gypsies have to deal with while begging in Stockholm.
The paper is now continuing with their Jewish agenda by presenting severely biased reports on the Syrian conflict. After the alleged gas attack in August of last year, Wolodarski openly advocated for a US bombing of the country.
In autumn of last year, DN began a campaign to accuse the Swedish police of racism. An editorial published claimed that the Swedish police were involved in a plot to “keep the racist nightmare alive.” The report on which the claims were based was investigated, and the whole thing shown to be a hoax.
The paper has now launched a new agenda-setting campaign, entitled “Dream of Sweden,” wherein reporter Niklas Orrenius – the man who staged the racist police hoax – has met with Syrians occupying Sweden, and will claim they are in crisis, needing more money and such.
The campaign lets Wolodarski combine his two favorite themes: mass immigration into Europe and war against Syria.
The editor has cited a speech by Jewish billionaire criminal George Soros as proof that Syria needs bombed.
He has accused Europe of not caring about the Syrian people, and needing to take in millions more immigrants in order to show their love for the poor oppressed brown-skinned folks.