Sweden: Libyan Haji Arrested for Raping 10-Year-Old Child

Earlier this week, an “adult male” – widely presumed to be a Finnish tourist – raped a 10-year-old girl in Malmö.

However, shocking new evidence suggests that the culprit is none other than a devout servant of Allah!

Voice of Europe:

As we recently reported, a 10-year-old girl was raped in a courtyard in Malmö last week. A 30-year-old migrant from Libya has now been arrested for the rape.

The police didn’t want to reveal the crime classification at first, but later admitted that it was rape of a child. According to the detention order, Mohammed, which is the perpetrator’s first name, was born in 1988.

He is a citizen of Libya and was arrested and detained on Tuesday. The prosecutor argues that there is a risk of crime recurrence.

According to Kvällsposten, the man has previously been suspected of two other cases of sex offense, including molestation of a 14-year-old girl.

In conjunction with one of the crimes he was also arrested for carrying a knife. On both occasions, however, he was released shortly after the arrests. On top of that he’s been convicted of robbery and assault.

Nyheter Idag states that the migrant came to Sweden in 2009, but it is unclear why he has not already been expelled.