Sweden: Masked Men Firebomb Synagogue of Kikes!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2017

Jews are finally getting their comeuppance.

They are living in fear across the entire planet – by the second most protected group!


In Gothenburg, Sweden, group of masked youths have attacked a synagogue with Molotov cocktails, amid a global backlash against the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Three people were arrested following the incident, prosecutors say.

“A burning object has been thrown” just outside the synagogue building, Lars Tunefjord, commanding officer at the police regional management center told Sveriges Radio. The officer added that police are currently at the scene conducting a “technical investigation and searching for the perpetrators.”

Three people were arrested early on Sunday, a spokeswoman for the Swedish Prosecution Authority said, according to Reuters. The official did not report any motive for the attack. It was also unclear whether the attack was linked to Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

According to witness accounts, a fire started in the yard of the synagogue shortly after 10:00pm local time, after pro-Palestinian protesters, demonstrating against President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, pelted the building with burning projectiles. One of the firebombs landed just outside the synagogue compound where local Jewish students were holding an event.

This is just getting started.

The hajis might not storm Jerusalem, but they’re gonna keep up this pressure for a long while.