Sweden: Moslem Grins in Mugshot After Beating Up 74-Year-Old Woman

Well, why wouldn’t he grin?

He’s getting four weeks in a five star prison-hotel, then he’ll be free to enrich again.

Sweden will never expel him – they only do that to white people.

Voice of Europe:

The criminal Afghan has previously been convicted of attempted murder, among other offences, but has avoided expulsion each time. This time as well.

The 74-year-old Ingrid’s glasses broke in half when the criminal Afghan Walid struck her in her face. Walid then accused the elderly woman of being racist – and got off with only a few weeks’ imprisonment.

On 31 October, Ingrid went down to the laundry room in her apartment building. There she met 29-year-old Walid.

According to Ingrid, Walid was carrying a mattress when she saw him. After she asked if he had slept at his parents, he replied, “No, I’m an idiot.” She replied “Yes, you are.”

The Afghan then tore off and broke her glasses, then punched her hard in the face. Ingrid was in pain and shock afterwards. When Walid was arrested by police, he grinned when he was photographed.

During the trial, the Afghan defended himself by claiming that Ingrid had insulted him “in a racist way”. Solna District Court sentenced Walid to only four weeks in prison.

He will also pay €500 in damages to Ingrid. Walid is a citizen of Afghanistan, but the prosecutor did not call for expulsion.

He has been sentenced several times before – but each time he has avoided expulsion. He previously appears under 12 sections in the criminal registers.