Sweden: Moslem Invaders Kick and Beat Swedish Schoolgirls, Call Them Whores

While I agree that Swedesses need to be aggressively patrolled for the sake of the nation, their fathers should be doing it – not these invading brownies.

Voice of Europe:

The problems with migrants have escalated recently at the school ‘Österledskolan’ outside Halmstad in southern Sweden.

Swedish independent journalist Joakim Lamotte has been contacted by parents of children at the school and according to them it is a group of newly arrived migrants who harass their daughters.

The parents argue that the failed integration of the newcomers has led to groupings at the school.

“There are daily threats and violations at the school. Our daughter, who’s in eighth grade has been harassed since the second week of seventh grade. She has been called “Swedish whore” and threatened with violence several times.”

“The police have been called many times. Last week, they were called on three occasions. And an ambulance has been called to the school during assaults,” says one parent.

“The situation at the school went out of control last week after several major fights, and now parents choose to keep their children at home because of the insecurity.”

“Weapons and drugs are common at the school, and the confrontations continue after the school day ends,” says another parent.

“The reason for this is a difference in treatment, and not integrating the newly arrived young people. On Friday, two girls were subjected to blows and kicks by the newcomers,” says a third parent.