Sweden: Nationalists March While Antifa-Faggots Riot

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2014

While members of the Swede’s Party marched in Jönköping, unhinged antifa faggots rioted like spastics.

They also vandalized the home of the march’s organizers during the spectacle.

Youthful rebellion is a natural phenomenon, but these antifa people must be getting confused about what exactly it is they are rebelling against. Growing up, I too identified as a leftist, until it became clear to me that leftism is the establishment, and to think you are rebelling against something while fighting the enemies of the establishment is schizophrenic.

When thousands of violent extremists are attacking a small band of people marching, defending the position of the government, media and the corporate establishment, how is it possible for them to imagine that they are rebels?

Because their t-shirts offend the elderly?