Sweden: Number of Grenade Attacks More Than Doubles in 2024

Sweden’s rising crime rate: a riddle no one can solve

Grenade attacks? In Sweden?

What has caused the placid Swedes to become so unhinged that they are throwing grenades at one another?

A couple of short decades ago, Sweden was like Japan: a country where the worst threat to your life is being overwhelmed with boredom.

Is this shocking rise in crime a result of violent video games? Is it something in the water?

No one knows. The only thing we know is that it can never be investigated, because that would be racist.


Sweden is witnessing an alarming rise in the use of hand grenades by criminal gangs, with the number of explosions more than doubling in 2024 compared to last year. By mid-October, there had been 22 recorded grenade attacks, up from nine in 2023, according to figures from the Police National Bomb Data Centre.

The Swedish Customs Administration has also reported a spike in the number of hand grenades seized at the border — 30 so far this year, compared to zero last year. Officials say gangs have turned to grenades as an alternative to stolen commercial explosives, which have become harder to obtain.

“A hand grenade is already ready in its construction. It does not need to be manufactured but comes complete,” explained Malin Nygren, head of the National Bomb Data Centre, highlighting the ease of use for criminals seeking to cause explosions.

Interesting. This bomb expert’s views align with my own understanding of grenades: they cause explosions and thus are often used by people seeking to cause explosions.

The reason why Swedes want to cause so many explosions is outside of the purview of an explosives expert, however.

Customs authorities are seeing hand grenades become a significant contraband item, a shift from previous years. “In the past, hand grenades have been a completely non-existent contraband item from our perspective,” said Stefan Granath, deputy head of control at the Swedish Customs Administration.

This uptick in grenade use reflects broader concerns about rising gang violence across Sweden. Violence involving explosives, once rare, has become an increasing threat, with attacks regularly targeting residential areas and public spaces as migrant gangs conduct turf wars in the suburbs of the Scandinavian country’s major cities.

Migrant gangs, huh?

Well, I don’t see the relevance of the fact that they are migrants. They are just as Swedish as anyone else.

They have Viking ancestors. They’re no better than these Viking ancestors, but they can’t possibly be any different from them.

Hand grenades have been used by criminal networks to settle disputes, intimidate rivals, or retaliate against authorities.

Authorities are now focused on preventing these weapons from entering the country.

Yes, that’s smart. If people don’t have any grenades, they can’t use them to cause explosions.

By stopping the supply of grenades, we avoid the issue of investigating why people are using grenades to cause explosions, which will help protect migrants from being hated for no reason.

While efforts to crack down on explosive materials like dynamite have been effective, criminals have turned to simpler and more accessible weapons like hand grenades, often smuggled in from the Balkans, where they are more readily available.

Last year, Ardavan Khoshnood, a guest lecturer at Malmö University and senior fellow at Lund University, warned that Sweden had become the bombing capital of Europe and was second only to Mexico as the top country in the world not currently at war to experience the most bombings on its territory.

That was last year. I haven’t seen the numbers, but it’s possible that Sweden could have won this year’s explosion contest.

I just can’t imagine any reason why this would be happening all of a sudden…

Ah, well. Best not to think about it.

Except for the fact that the Israeli embassy is being targeted.

That is pure antisemitism, and any single piece of haji sandnigger scum who dares oppose our sweet chosen ones should be deported back to his shithole country if not simply shot in the street.

Migrants are just as Swedish as anyone else, especially the blacks, who are descended from the Vikings. But any of these dune coons who question the never-ending alliance between Sweden and Israel should face the ultimate force of justice.

Snake Baker contributed to this article.