Sweden: Parents Let Moslem Stay in Their Home, Moslem Does Islamic Things to Their Two Kids

This is what happens when women are granted power over men.

A bitch welcomes a brown invader into the home, and her hollow shell of a husband does nothing except channel what remains of his testosterone into a fleeting stare of protest.

Fria Tider (Translation):

A young immigrant has been convicted of rape and abuse of children by the Gothenburg District Court. This happened since he had been with a family and got caught up in their daughters, one girl only five years old. But the punishment is no more than nine months of closed youth care.

It was last summer that a family in Gothenburg received the young man in their home.

The father of the family was always suspicious of the man.

As soon as he came into the family, his father began to stare at him. The mother liked him in the beginning, but after a few days she even began to dismiss him,” it says in the verdict, which Free Times has read.

He lived with them from mid-June to mid-August.

The mother thinks it was in late September as her youngest child, the five-year-old, one day said “Mom I have a secret”. The mother then went to her second daughter, who was also under the age of 15, and was confirmed that he had also abused her.

Among other things, he caused the five-year-old to masturbate him and induced the other girl to perform both vaginal and oral sex with him. The indictment concerns a total of four points.

The young man, born in 2002, according to the court’s document, should have attracted the children to the fact that they would get pizza from him, as long as they did not tell anything to their parents. The family didn’t eat so much pizza at home, but the kids like pizza.

When the girls had told about the events, the mother discussed with her husband how they would do in a few days before they decided to make a police report.

The girls today have contact with child and adolescent psychiatry and go to a psychologist. “The children have not talked to each other about their secrets,” writes the court.

The total punishment for the offenses in question corresponds to 4.5 years in prison for a person over the age of 21, according to the district court. But when assessing the penalty value, the court says that the young people of the plaintiffs were weighed in. The district court therefore judges the accused to nine months of closed youth care. He will also pay damages totaling SEK 215,000 to the children.