Sweden: Political Commenter Menaced by Police After Antifa Hall Monitors Tattle on Him for Facebook Cartoon

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2018

The absolute state of these antifa faggots.

Imagine literally serving the most powerful people in the world – often times for free, or for very little pay – simply to morally signal what good little goys you are.

AND THEN having the nerve to claim that you are somehow rebellious.

The rebellious hall monitor tattletale.

The level of cognitive dissonance involved with “we are fighting against the state by working with the state to encourage the state to do more of what it is doing in an even more extreme way” is mind-boggling.


Swedish political commentator Jan Sjunnesson was interrogated by police after a well-known “anti-hate group” reported him for sharing a satirical book cover mocking Islamic sharia law on Facebook.

Mr. Sjunnesson was interrogated by police late last week after he posted a photo on Facebook depicting two fictional book covers that satirised elements of sharia law. One of the fake book covers depicted two Muslim men whipping another man, a punishment prescribed under sharia, with the title “With grandfather at work”.

Sjunnesson, who formerly worked as an editor for the populist Sweden Democrats magazine Samtiden, told Breitbart London that he did not create the image but that it was a play on recent children’s books. One of which, he said, was entitledGrandfather Has Four Wives.

According to the former magazine editor, the notorious Näthatsgranskaren online social justice “anti-hate” group was behind reporting his Facebook post to the police.

Näthatsgranskaren, Swedish for “Network Examiner”, has been credited with a huge surge in hate speech prosecutions as it persistently looks for material it deems to be hateful across the Swedish social media landscape.

The group, which was founded by ex-police officer Tomas Åberg, has not been without controversy as Åberg even publicly admitted that most of the people reported for hate speech to the police have been elderly women.

One of the women reported by the group, a 65-year-old who posted that mass migration would lower the general Swedish IQ, described being harassed by police on multiple occasions during their investigation and that the anti-hate group had been keeping tabs on her online posts since 2016.


They will mock your suicide, they will harass your grandma.

They might even put your grandma in prison, if she gets too out of line.

Because these people do not view this as a political struggle.

They view it as a moral and religious struggle.

They believe that we are evil by our nature, that we must be obliterated, and that any action against us is justified.

We need to stop being pussies and take the same position against them – only in our case, the good vs. evil thing is actually true.