Sweden: Politicians Want Shops to Stop Accepting Cash to Defeat Vibrant Organized Crime

Everywhere in the Western, white world, it is being demanded that white people give up their freedoms in order to prevent so-called “vibrant diversity” from committing various crimes.

This is on top of the fact that our communities are being destroyed by this vibrancy, it is destroying the wages, it is creating crime and death.

Diversity is some kind of great strength. It has the strength to break once great white countries. Our countries are completely ruined and women are running around demanding we suffer even more.

Nordic Times:

Moderate MP Fredrik Kärrholm and Christofer Fjellner, the opposition mayor of Stockholm, are calling for more businesses to stop accepting cash.

If shops do not voluntarily comply, “the government must consider legislation to restrict the handling of cash”, they urge.

In an opinion piece in the gossip magazine Aftonbladet, the totalitarian proposal is justified by the need to fight organized crime with “full force”, as well as the fact that the department store NK recently stopped accepting cash after reports that criminal gang members were buying luxury goods there.

What law abiding citizen wants to buy luxury goods with a card? You don’t want that transaction documented.

Most law abiding citizens don’t want any of their transactions documented.

Why would anyone want to be tracked and traced?

Instead of targeting organized crime and criminals, the Moderates believe it is reasonable to punish and suspect all citizens who prefer to use cash for their purchases.

“The most important driving force for criminals is money. But if money cannot be used, crime becomes meaningless. More retailers must therefore follow the example of the NK department store and stop accepting cash”, it says, adding that shops must accept their “social responsibility” – otherwise mandatory legislation may be the way forward.

The Moderates conclude with another warning to shopkeepers – either they stop accepting cash – or the Moderates will push for legislation to restrict cash handling.

It is worth noting that Sweden is a global outlier when it comes to cashless payments, and has long been predicted to be the first country in the world where it will no longer be possible to make purchases with physical money – something that is already a reality in many shops. Other countries, such as Denmark and Norway, have gone in the opposite direction, passing laws requiring stores to accept cash.

Criminal gangs are a problem in Sweden, beyond any other country in Europe. Sweden really wanted to spice things up good, so they brought in groups of brown people from a lot of different countries. Now these different groups fight each other on the streets of Sweden.

The official position of Sweden remains that this is all white people’s fault, somehow, and that Swedes need to do more for these diverse vibrants in order to stop them from blowing everything up.

How do other countries manage to not have these problems?

This is the effect of women on a country.

You have to ban women, or they will come up with these kinds of schemes and force them on you through psychological warfare that makes you believe you’re evil if you don’t accept the destruction of your own society.