Sweden: Racists Use Wheelchair Woman’s Gang-Rape as an Excuse to Hurt Migrant Feelings

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2016


Racists in Sweden have used the gang-rape of a woman in a wheelchair by migrants as an excuse to protest mass Islamic immigration into Sweden and hurt the feelings of innocents who are fleeing a brutal civil war in Pakistan or whatever.

It just shows you how deplorable racists really are. They will sink so low as to use the gang-rape of a paralyzed woman to say that the people who did it are bad.

Daily Express:

Furious protestors launched an attack on a refugee centre after a wheelchair-bound woman was gang-raped by several men.

The victim had shared a taxi home with a man after going for dinner in a restaurant in Visby, Sweden, when she said she needed to use the toilet.

Believed to be in her thirties, the woman was then offered to use the one at her fellow passenger’s home.

Her lawyer Staffan Fredriksson said: “She followed him in and had no fears that something would happen. Then the man took advantage of the situation. The abuse started in the toilet.”

After launching into a savage sexual assault on the woman, several other men later joined in the abuse.

Mr Fredriksson said: “Where they came from we don’t know. This was going on for a couple of hours.

“She got paralyzed in this situation and was not able to bring herself to resist physically, other than saying no.”

The victim, who cannot walk long distances and uses a wheelchair, was almost stranded in the suspect’s apartment but thankfully was able make her escape.

Six men, all in their twenties, were arrested after the attack – but all have since been released.

Swedish police have refused to provide any details about the alleged attackers, but it was reported all six men were asylum seekers and the assault had taken place inside a refugee centre.

Now several protests have broken out over the sex offence, in a bid to support the female and condemn the release of the supposed attackers.

Last Wednesday, more than 100 people marched between the local police station and the centre the attack is believed to have taken place.

The centre was later attacked in a sustained assault, as demonstrators threw rocks and stones at the migrant facility.

Swedish authorities have been forced to send extra police to the town, with 60 officers arriving in Visby on Friday, to prevent the violence from escalating.

Well, at least the police are doing their best to protect these victimized gang-rapists from the terroristic racists.

But how much longer can Sweden sustain these levels of hatred for the color of the skin?