Daily Stormer
April 9, 2015

For literally three thousand years people have tried and failed to attempt to integrate gypsies into society. But if anyone can pull it off, it is Swedish feminists.
But one prerequisite of integrating them is stopping the hatred against them, which happens for no reason at all. It is a hatred which exists without a source beyond the White skin of the evil native Swedes. And no matter how many millions it takes, Swedish feminists are going to deal with it.
A Swedish Roma activist has welcomed the government’s plan to invest 52 million kronor ($6m) to promote Roma inclusion in society – but he told The Local on Wednesday that more needs to be done.
The Swedish government announced on Wednesday that they are going to allocate 13 million kronor a year from 2016-19 in their spring budget to educating so called “bridge builders”, who will work to increase knowledge of Roma culture and language in education and social care sectors.
“The way in which we have treated people with their roots in Roma culture and background is a very dark chapter of the story of our country and our development,” wrote Sweden’s Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke in an opinion piece for newspaper Metro.
“Much work remains to be done, but Sweden should be a country where everybody is treated equally,” she added.
Emir Selimi, founder and chairman of the organization for young Roma people in Sweden (‘Unga Romer’), echoed the minister’s words, but said the focus was wrong.
“All investment is good, but at the same time I want to change what’s being focused on. Inclusion and integration is not just for Roma people, but for society towards the Roma. It’s not illegal to be a member of the Roma community, but it is illegal to discriminate,” he told The Local.
Sweden has been hit by a wave of hate crimes against minorities in recent years. The Local reported in March that human rights organization Civil Rights Defenders has sued the Swedish state over an illegal police register of Roma people in 2013. The list, which was compiled by the regional Skåne police in southern Sweden, included some 4,700 people, some of whom were children.
Meanwhile, in Italy, a recent interview with some street gypsies shocked the people…
Two girls aged 13 and 15 years were interviewed by the cameras of Morning 5 … and told how they make a living: “We steal on the Rome subway and we also make a thousand euros a day. Why should we be ashamed? We look out only for our good. If, then, you die, it is no matter … that is part of life. ” A shocking story that horrifies honest people.
There are about 180 thousand Roma and Sinti in Italy. Of these, 40 thousand living in poor housing conditions, ie in so-called “nomad camps,” and in the past have been identified as a “national emergency.” This emergency the national left has never wanted to solve. And, when it becomes the subject of discussion, the charge of racism and xenophobia is lodged against anyone who proposes a solution.
Actually just take a look at the service of Morning 5 to understand that Boldrini has no reason. One is 15 years old, the other 13. They speak freely before the cameras of Channel 5. We inform even where the service will air: “I put on sunglasses – says – so I look more sexy.” Uninhibited, in fact. You do not make any trouble to say what they do all day: steal.
The two girls have no qualms. Do not repent even before the old ladies living in retirement. “And if the old woman remains without money?” Asked the reporter. “I do not give, so after dying … are things of life – replication, ready, the girl – I do not mind: I’m fine, I’ll take the money and I’m okay.”