Sweden: Stockholm Court Arrests Paki Taxi Driver for 2011 Rape of Swedish Woman

Swedish women are in a bit of a predicament.

If they get a taxi home, they’ll get raped by the Moslem driver.

If they walk home, they’ll get raped by a Moslem gang.

Perhaps they shouldn’t have invited them all in lol.

Fria Tider (Google Translate):

In October 2011, an alcohol-influenced woman was raped after she jumped into a taxi to get home. The taxi driver forced the woman to oral sex and left behind DNA traces, but no offender could be found in the register. Only seven years later, the perpetrator could be identified and prosecuted, and now the immigrant from the Middle East has been sentenced to prison.

On October 1, 2011, a woman was raped in a taxi in the inner city of Stockholm by the currently 38-year-old man, named Hadi.

After Hadi was suspected of illegal threats and assault in the autumn, a register opening of the suspected offender was made and the DNA result was run against the police’s track record. There was a hit in the abolished rape case and the preliminary investigation could be resumed, which Freedom Times has previously reported on.

General documents show that Hadi is a citizen of Sweden and that he can therefore not be expelled with current legislation.

In December, Stockholm’s district court announced the verdict. Hadi is sentenced to rape for two years in prison, which is the minimum penalty. He will also pay SEK 110,000 in damages to the woman.