Sweden: Syrian Man Imprisoned for Having Forcey Fun Time with 15-Year-Old Girl at Festival

Awful, just awful.

Clearly, Sweden needs to transform Emmaboda into a women-only festival.

It’s the only way to protect these chaste shield maidens from the busy hands of men of all races.

Fria Tider (Google Translate):

A 23-year-old Syrian man is now sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years and 8 months since he ruthlessly raped a 15-year-old girl at the Emmaboda Festival in the summer of 2017. The man should also be expelled, but is welcome to Sweden again in 10 years. The court’s document describes the girl’s life as completely destroyed by the rape.

It was the summer of 2017 that a 15-year-old girl went to the Emmaboda Festival in Småland with her friends.

She wouldn’t have done that. There she was subjected to a ruthless rape by an asylum seeker from Syria.

The girl had gone to bed to sleep in her tent, but woke up by an unknown man pulling up the zipper and trying to talk to her in broken Swedish, Arabic.

The girl was confused and alert.

The man asked the girl to feel his frozen hands, but she said no and was very clear that she wanted him to leave.

He didn’t.

“He kissed her against her will. He held her to the bedside. She knew what was going to happen and screamed as loud as she could. He became aggressive, it was clear he decided. He got angry with her. as if he knew he was doing something wrong. He held her mouth and nose so that she could not shout or breathe. She panicked. He said he had a knife. She screamed again and then he did the same “, It says in the judgment.

The sanction will be imprisonment for 2 years and 8 months as well as expulsion for ten years. Syria, who applied for asylum in Sweden on October 27, 2015 together with his wife, is welcome back to Sweden in 2029.