Sweden: Teen White Boy Killed by “Refugee,” Media Blames White Boy

The New Observer
January 14, 2016

The lügenpresse (“lying press”) in Sweden has stooped to a new low, even by their standards, in blaming the victim in a school murder—a 15-year-old-white boy—for his own death, instead of identifying the murderer as a 14-year-old “Syrian refugee” who had been sexually pestering white girls in class.


The Aftonbladet newspaper—Sweden’s leading lügenpresse outlet—carried a story on the school murder, which took place on January 11, 2016, at the Göinge School in Skåne.

According to the Aftonbladet story, the murderer—who the paper never identifies as a nonwhite invader “asylum seeker” but instead deliberately pretends was just another “pupil,”—is portrayed as having been the victim of “bullying” by the other pupils.

The Aftonbladet asserts that the “murder suspect was bullied at school for a long time,” and that there had been a “prior conflict” between the nonwhite invader and the white boy—but deliberately refused to say what that “prior conflict” had been.

The entire Aftonbladet article is designed to not only hide the vicious racial murder, its sexually aggravated origins, and the racial origin of the perpetrator, but is also a blatant attempt to evoke sympathy for the murderer and to blame the victim.

This is apparent even from the Aftonbladet headline: “Father: He was bullied—but got no help,” as if it was all someone else’s fault.


The reality behind the brutal murder can only be found in the Lithuanian newspaper, lrytas. It turns out that the victim, named Arminas Pileckas, was of Lithuanian origin, and his parents were working in Sweden, where the family was temporarily living.

According to lrytas, the victim’s father revealed that the “prior conflict” between his son and the Arab invader had started in December 2015, when young Arminas had come to the defense of a white girl who the nonwhite had been sexually harassing.

“The Swedish press has written that Arminas bullied him [the murderer],” Arminas’s father told lrytas.

“But this is not true. They only came into conflict once before, in December, when the [Arab boy] was harassing a girl at the school. Arminas came to her defense and they got into a fight.”

The Syrian boy had then sworn revenge on Arminas, his father continued. He denied that there had been any bullying, as claimed by the Swedish media, pointing out that the school was in constant contact with the pupils and their parents over all sorts of issues.

“The school can never hide anything. Even if the pupils are late getting to class, the parents are informed. If Arminas had been bullying anybody, we, the teachers, and the police would have known about it.

“The [Arab] said he was going to take revenge, and he did, He even told this to the school officials [when they were called in after the initial conflict].”

On Monday, the first day of the new semester, the Arab came to school with a kitchen knife. Unprovoked, he walked up to Arminas and stabbed him in the back with the sharp blade, striking him in the heart.

It turns out that the Arab invader had even spent time on the Internet during the Christmas break searching for information about how to kill someone with a knife.

The murder is making big news in Lithuania, unlike in the English-language press (which would of course have given the incident great publicity if a white schoolboy had stabbed a nonwhite to death).

In another interview with the Lithuanian DELFI newspaper, Arminas’s father openly blamed the “refugee” invasion for the murder, and a general rise in nonwhite crime in Sweden.

“The situation is becoming dangerous because of the refugees and is getting out of control,” he told DELFI.

“Another Lithuanian [in Sweden] barely escaped being raped by refugees just a few months ago. The police did nothing except put a tracking bracelet on the attacker,” he said.

“It is scary what is going on,” he continued. “The Swedes are afraid to talk about what’s going on. We Lithuanians do things differently, and we talk about everything in public. But here in Sweden, everything is hidden and concealed [by the media],” he concluded.

The Swedish Expressen newspaper’s coverage of the incident also ignored all the real facts behind the murder. The Expressen refused to mention the refugee racial aspect, or the sexual harassment background to the conflict which ultimately took Arminas’s life.

As this tragic case once again underlines, the controlled media in Europe—and indeed in America and elsewhere—are all complicit in a deliberate, planned campaign to hide nonwhite crime, and conversely, to be as maliciously anti-white as possible.

Little wonder they have earned the well-deserved reputation of being the lügenpresse—and that their printed media is rapidly collapsing in the face of the Internet and social media’s ability to sidestep their censorship.