Sweden: Three Masked “Migrants” Beat Up Swedish Dog Breeder, Steal Her Six Puppers

They were Golden Retrievers, too.

The patrician’s choice of pupper.

Fortunately, it sounds as though the hajis just plan to sell them.

It could have been a lot worse, let me tell you.

Oh… and poor woman, etc.

Voice of Europe:

A dog breeder in southern Sweden was brutally beaten in connection with a robbery last week. Three masked men stole her six puppies.

Now, several puppy ads written in poor Swedish and at low prices have appeared on various websites.

51-year-old Eivor Nilsson was on her way to let her Golden Retriever puppies out when three masked men attacked her, Samhällsnytt reports. The men sprayed red colour in Eivor’s face and hit her on the head with a hard object.

“I’m going to die. Will my life end at 50 like this, I thought before I fainted”, Eivor explains.

When she regained consciousness, one of the men tried to break her neck. The attempt was interrupted and instead they duct taped her mouth, eyes, hands and feet while communicating in broken Swedish. “They spoke in a foreign language. There is no doubt about it.”

She managed to contact her mother, who called the police and an ambulance. The assault resulted in swelling of the head, a damaged cornea, bruising over the body and a bone fracture.

She says that there is no doubt that the attack was planned. The reason is that she advertised her puppies recently.

Eivor Nilsson.