Sweden to Release Four Kebabs Who Wanted to “Kill as Many as Possible” Over Muhammad Cartoons

I wouldn’t be too concerned – the Muhammad cartoon brouhaha ended in 2010.

These people are over it.

They just want to go back to living their lives as good Swedish citizens.

Voice of Europe:

Four Swedish citizens, one a Tunisian with Swedish residence, sentenced for preparing a terrorist act in 2010, will be released Saturday.

They planned to “kill as many as possible” in a planned bloodbath against the headquarters of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten over Muhammad cartoons.

The convicts have only served two-thirds of their punishment, common for the Scandinavian penitentiary system. Since their sentencing they’ve been moved to different institutions throughout Sweden.

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service report that all of the terrorists had been reported for threats of violence to staff and other prisoners during their prison sentence, with one requiring isolation after attempting to radicalise fellow inmates. Apparently these incidents weren’t sufficient enough reason to postpone their release.

A senior researcher from the National Defence College and a leading expert on terrorism, Magnus Ranstorp tells newspaper Dagens Nyheter:

“It is not possible to say with certainty that they will absolutely relapse and become dangerous upon release. But in such crimes there is a great risk of relapse” as they are treated as ‘rock stars’ in their previous environment upon release.”