Sweden: Two Afghans Who Almost Stabbed Swede to Death Walk Free

In modern-day Sweden, it is functionally legal for brown invaders to stab Swedes with the intent to kill.

What other conclusion are we expected to reach here?

Voice of Europe:

On New Year’s Eve last year, Sebastian was severely stabbed and injured. Two asylum seekers from Afghanistan, a 19-year-old and a 25-year-old, were arrested for attempted murder, but were then released and now they have disappeared without a trace.

When 23-year-old Sebastian arrived at hospital, he had no pulse and two knife blades were stuck inside his body. The stab wounds resulted in him losing about five litres of blood.

In retrospect, the doctors said that his injuries were life-threatening and that he was only seconds away from death. For a month he was in respiratory treatment and hovered between life and death.

In March the District Court decided that the 19-year-old should be released from detention due to his low age even though the suspicions remained.

Sebastian was allowed to leave hospital in May, and at the same time the 25-year-old was allowed to leave the detention centre.

Both suspects disappeared shortly after they were released.

The Supreme Court once again requested both men to be detained, but the prosecutor Per Svensson has no hope of finding the migrants, and soon he will therefore close the preliminary investigation.

Today Sebastian struggles to get back to his normal self. He no longer has any confidence in the Swedish justice system.