Sweden: Two “Migrants” Rape 15-Year-Old Girl Under Stockholm Bridge

Good luck expelling these men, prosecutors.

As Jesus himself once said: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a colored man to leave the Kingdom of Sweden.”

Infowars Europe:

Two migrants, at least one of whom is from Afghanistan, have been charged in the rape of a 15-year-old girl in Stockholm, according to Swedish media.

The attack took place under the Central Bridge near Stockholm City Hall on September 2nd, when two foreign men brutally raped the young girl, also threatening to kill her, Fria Tider reports.

Both men require interpreters for dari, the most widely-spoken language in Afghanistan, and while one of the suspects has been identified as an Afghan national born in 2001, information about his alleged accomplice is still being determined, pending a bone inspection by the National Board of Medicine.

Prosecutors are seeking conviction for gross rape, stating in their lawsuit: “Offenses should be judged as rough with respect to NN’s low age (15 years) and since more than one person has abused the victim.”

The scene of the assault is described by prosecutors as a “deserted, urban site, surrounded by water and characterized by concrete and traffic routes, from which the plaintiff could not escape,” adding that the girl “hyperventilated, cried and shook,” as the suspects threatened to kill or injure her.

The plaintiffs reportedly admit to certain details of the charges, but deny committing any crime.

Prosecutors are seeking permanent expulsion of both men from Sweden.