Sweden: Woman Gang Raped by Moslem Savages

The Local
February 7, 2015

The ferry on which the gang rape took place.

UPDATED: Police in Finland have questioned eight Swedish men following claims a woman was gang raped on a Viking Line ferry in Finnish waters over the weekend. Four of the suspects remained in custody on Monday afternoon.

The alleged attack took place on Amorella, an overnight ferry travelling from Stockholm to the Finnish port of Turku on Saturday, a popular route with a reputation for attracting Swedes and tourists who enjoy partying and can enjoy tax-free alcohol for some of the crossing.

Five were later arrested in Åbo in Finland, one was tracked down in Mariehamn and two others managed to make their way back to Stockholm before being arrested on Sunday.

By Monday afternoon, three of the suspects remained in custody in Finland and one was still being questioned in Stockholm. The other four suspects had been released, but had not been “dismissed” from the case, police spokesperson Kjell Lindgren told The Local.

“Right now the big task is gathering video evidence and witness statements,” he added.

Shakir Mohamed & Abdi Mohamed Ahmed are two of the eight rapists that have been arrested, according to this Swedish police report, located and translated by Tundratabloids.

The suspects are accused of gang raping a woman, 45, who says she was approached in her cabin by a group of men.

According to witnesses speaking to Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, the crossing was “messy”, with many passengers getting drunk and a fight breaking out at a disco on board the ferry earlier in the night, with staff called to restore order.

One traveller told the paper that they saw the victim half dressed and sitting in a corridor “in a shocked state”.


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