Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2015

Two “Swedes” and a Somalian whom the FBI has had in custody for two years after receiving them in Africa, have pleaded guilty to a conspiracy to help the Somalian Moslem group Shebab in their terror plots, New York prosecutors have revealed.
As far as I am concerned, Sweden needs to be held responsible for these people. If they are going to say “oh yes we give citizenship to every Moslem terrorist looking for a better life,” then the actions of these people on the international scene are their responsibility.
The trio face up to 15 years in an American prison and deportation, prosecutors said in New York.
Prosecutors say Madhi Hashi, 25, from Somalia, and Swedes Ali Yasin Ahmed, 30, and Mohamed Yusuf, 32, were members of the Shebab militant group in Somalia from December 2008 to August 2012.
Shebab is blacklisted as a foreign terrorist organization in the United States and federal prosecutors have spearheaded efforts to try foreign terror cases in New York courts in recent years.
Shebab has claimed responsibility for some of the worst terror attacks in East Africa, including a massacre at a Kenyan university that killed 148 people.
The Swedes fought against US-funded African Union forces in Somalia, prosecutors said. Hashi was close to Omar Hammami, the US-born public face of Shebab who was killed by fellow fighters in 2013, they added.
Yusuf appeared in a Shebab video to encourage recruits to travel to Somalia and join the group, and threatened a cartoonist who depicted the Prophet Mohammed — considered blasphemous to many Muslims.
US officials said the men were arrested by local authorities in East Africa en route to Yemen in August 2012, then handed over to the FBI in November 2012 and flown to New York to be prosecuted.
You can say whatever you want about the US position as world police going into Africa and using American Federal agents to prosecute them. I personally don’t really understand the purpose of that. Nonetheless, the issue here is why Sweden is giving citizenship to terrorists, and why the world doesn’t care.