Swedes More Supportive of Borders as Police Announce It’s Impossible to Stop Terrorism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 27, 2015

But what are these girls going to do without more Moslems?
But what are these girls going to do without more Moslems?

Paris is having repercussions even in Sweden.

It is now 70% that supports some form of border controls.

The Local:

At least seven out of ten Swedes support the government’s controversial decision to tighten asylum rules, a new survey has suggested.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven’s announcement earlier this week that Sweden would impose stricter asylum regulations and step up ID checks at the recently-introduced border controls did, however, attract some criticism: inhumane said some, while others called the move too little, too late.

But according to a fresh survey by major pollsters Sifo, at least seven out of ten Swedes support the new measures.

“The result is interesting, because we can tell that the new proposals get broad support,” Sifo head of public opinion Toivo Sjörén told the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper.

However, the centre-left coalition government gets more support from the conservative opposition than from its own ranks. Eight out of ten voters for the four-party Alliance group believe the new measures are “very good” or “fairly good”, compared to only 50 percent of Social Democrat-Green voters.

Men and women alike said they supported the proposals, but the survey exposed a large age gap.

“You could say that the older you are, the more positive you are to the new requirements,” said Sjörén.

Youth cucks. Gay.

This comes as the police are admitting they have no ability to stop terrorism. Which is a bizarre statement.

The Local:

After Sweden raised its terror threat alert to record high levels last week, more and more police officers on the beat warn that their weapons are not good enough to prevent a potential terror attack.

Officers filed the reports after Sweden’s security police Säpo put the country on ‘high’ (our ‘four’) alert for a terror attack for the first time in history (the second-highest on a five-point scale where ‘five’ is ‘very high’) after launching a nationwide manhunt for an alleged terrorist.

The 22-year-old terror suspect was cleared of all suspicion just days later and the investigation was dropped. However, Sweden’s terror threat alert has remained at level ‘high’ with police presence stepped up across the country since.

But in the wake of the Paris attacks, officers themselves fear they have neither the protective gear nor the weapons needed to fight any potential terrorists if they launched an assault on Swedish soil.

“We are sent out without adequate weapons, only a nine millimetre service pistol. We are also told that there may not be enough protective vests and ballistic helmets,” wrote one police officer, named only as ‘Christian’, in an internal incident report written between November 18th and 20th, and seen by investigative news agency Siren.

Yeah, funny how that works. Countries all disarmed at the same time as they were bringing the most violent people on the planet to come live among them.

And somehow, all these Moslems in Sweden have rocket-propelled grenade launchers.

At least the mood is changing.