Swedish Antifa Get Squashed by Police Horses After Throwing Smoke Bombs and Fire Crackers at Nationalists

Daily Stormer
August 25, 2014

Police on horseback charge into the crowd in Malmö during the counter demonstration on August 23rd 2014.

Another Nationalist rally was attacks by faggoty, crying Antifa homos on Saturday in Malmö, when a group crashed a Party of the Swedes event and police acted.

Hilariously, the faggots ended up getting smashed by horses.

Definitely a hard lesson to forget.

The Local:

Ten people were taken to hospital, five with serious injuries with one of them requiring treatment in the emergency room. Police arrested six people and took scores more into custody.

An estimated 1,500 people gathered in Limhamn square to protest against a planned appearance by the leader of the Svenskarnas parti (Party of the Swedes) who was due to make a speech.

Even before the party leader, Stefan Jacobsson, showed up there were signs of potential trouble as counter protesters threw smoke bombs and fire crackers.

The Antifa thugs showed their usual tolerance and understanding for those who think differently to them.

Chaos ensued when Jacobsson began speaking as his words were drowned out by protesters chanting “No Nazis on our streets.” He did manage to complete his speech after which there were clashes between demonstrators and the police.

The authorities attempted to quell the crowd by using police horses but encountered a radical element amongst the 1,500 assembled. Local newspaper Sydsvenkan reported that most of the protesters behaved well but that there were people there intent on causing trouble.

The atmosphere worsened when the police mounted on horses rode into the heart of the square. A police van also collided with a protester and the incident will be investigated by the force.

“We were forced to ride in because masked demonstrators had moved to the outside of the square and we needed to make some arrests,” police press officer Ewa-Gun Westford told the TT news agency.

The rally continued and Stefan Jacobsson was later able to also make a speech in neighbouring Helsingborg.

Pictures taken by the TT news agency appear to show police horses trodding over people in the midst of the chaos.

“I am shocked at the police’s extensive force,” Matilda Renkvist of Skåne against racism, an organizer behind the demo, told Sydsvenskan.