Daily Stormer
October 27, 2014

The former local leader of the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL) has been sentenced to five years in prison for exactly the sort of behavior anyone who is not brainwashed expects from homosexualists, Radio Sweden reports.
He has been found guilty of raping men who stayed at his house. He was also found guilty of forcing his victims to pay with sex for drugs which he had sold them, as well as stealing money from the RFSL bank account.
Apparently, he used his position in the LGBT club to take advantage of the queers who joined. What a surprise.
A spokesman for the faggot-defense organization, Mattias Uhrberg, said that the case had “hurt the group’s image.” Hopefully, it has also hurt the image of homosexualists in general, who are by their very identity criminals. “This is one person’s actions, but we have to get our members to trust us again.”