Swedish Media Attacks Brave 15-Year-Old Who was Killed by “Arab” for Stopping Sex Assault

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
January 26, 2016


In a Swedish school, Arminas Pileckas, a 15 year-old Lithuanian boy, was stabbed to death by a 14 year-old “Arab student after Arminas stopped him from sexually assaulting a Swedish girl in his class.

The “Arab” boy, who was reportedly from Syria, was sexually assaulting a Swedish girl when Arminas stepped in and stopped him.

In December, the “Arab” boy was suspended from school for the attack but was allowed back on January the 11th.

On the “Arab” boy’s first day back at school, he took a knife and stabbed Arminas in the back puncturing his heart.

This disgusting crime has received no media attention, internationally, and in Swedish media it is only being reported by a few journalists, who are blatantly taking the side of the “Arab” boy.

Arminas’ father has described it as a “cover-up” and said that when it was reported, journalists were all trying to get the “Arab” boy’s side of the story, and were not asking him for his side.

For example, Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, tried to spin the story to suggest that Arminas was a bully and the “Arab” boy was just upset and in need of help.

Sweden and Germany have really put their White genocide agenda into high gear in the last year, and things are getting crazy.

Despite censorship, stories like this are making it into the mainstream and people are starting to see that the anti-Whites in power don’t care about us, but that they only care about forcing their failed “diversity” agenda on us.