Swedism: 26% of Children Born in the UK are to Foreign Mothers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

March 7, 2014

Good God!  This Paki can't even afford a Union Jack to burn on the streets of London to protest his oppression!  You pommy bastards should be ashamed of yourselves - why don't you up this oppressed man's welfare???
Good God! This Paki can’t even afford a Union Jack to burn on the streets of London to protest his oppression, and had to make his own using Sharpies! You pommy bastards should be ashamed of yourselves – why don’t you up this oppressed man’s welfare???

According to official numbers, more than a quarter of all births in the UK are to mothers who themselves were born outside of the country.

From the Gulf Times:

Official data revealed there were 724,000 births in 2011 — of which 26%, 185,000, were to mothers themselves born abroad.

By far the highest birth rates were to Somali and Afghan women, many of whom fled violence in their own country. Since 2001 the birth rate to UK-born women had risen, but was still far below that of mothers who travelled here from elsewhere.

A spokesman from the Office for National Statistics said: “Some groups have a strong cultural preference for small or large family sizes, and this affects the number of children they have. This can vary between different groups when combined with migration, as some groups choose to follow their cultural norms, whereas other groups will adapt to UK-born patterns.”

The ONS also said the high level of financial and social support in Britain may encourage women to have more children when they arrive.

The data showed the proportion of all babies had by non-UK born mothers rose from 16% in 2001 to the 26% 2011 level. While the birth rate increased among UK-born women over the same period, from 1.56% in 2001 to 1.84% in 2011, it lagged behind the 2.21% of foreign-born women.

The highest birth rate, 4.25 was amongst women from Afghanistan, closely followed by those from Somalia, 4.19%, and Iraq, 3.91%.

These numbers are clearly a lie.  But just imagine – they are admitting to this much.  And 2011 was a very long time ago.  How can they possibly claim that there is a future for White British children, while millions more of these people are pouring in every year?

The very suggestion that the invasion agenda is anything other than a genocide of the White European people is ridiculous on its face.  But don’t mention it.  Only a racist would mention it.

For those non-Brits who aren’t aware of this, while the first generation of Muslims is mostly focused on child-rape and low-level theft, the children of Paki and other Muslim immigrants take up something like American black culture, and put out songs about how they sell drugs.


Integration has failed.  It is time for a reckoning.