Swedism: Green Party MP Says to Deport Swedish Men, Not Immigrants

Daily Stormer
January 7, 2014

Magda Rasmusson has a point.  If there were no men, there would be no rape.  But is it realistic to expel all men?  Why would you not just expel the immigrants, who commit all rape in Sweden?
Magda Rasmusson has a point. If there were no men, there would be no rape. But is it realistic to expel all men? Why would you not just expel the immigrants, who commit all rape in Sweden?

News from Sweden continues to sound more and more like a parody of news from Sweden.

From Nationell.nu:

Men account for the largest proportion of crimes and sexual violence against women, and they cost a fortune for the legal and healthcare system. Therefore, Swedish men should be deported instead of immigrants. Thus writes Magda Rasmusson (MP) on SVT Debate.

“The extreme right must now decide. To protect the rights of women and to curb crime: blame gender, instead of blaming immigration. Today, it would be more appropriate to discuss the expulsion of men, rather than immigrants.” writes Magda Rasmusson.

“How much masculinity can Sweden tolerate?” was the name of Rasmusson’s article, which alludes to the immigration-critical thesis “How much immigration can Sweden tolerate?”

The problem of society is thus not immigration, but men, says Magda Rasmusson.

What an interesting way to approach the problem.  Yes, all rapists are immigrants, but they are also all men, so instead of addressing immigration, we should address men.  Because Somali women don’t rape women on the streets, do they?

I am not sure if Rasmusson is a Jew.  Maybe someone from Sweden knows.  Even if she isn’t, she is a hardcore feminist, with a brain infected with subversive Jewish propaganda.