Swedism in Germany: Muslim Taxi Driver Convicted of Raping Old Blind Woman Won’t Go to Prison

Daily Stormer
January 15, 2014

"Muh dik, nigga, muh dik Allah Akbar." -Koran Surah 9, Verse 11
“Muh dik, nigga, muh dik Allah Akbar.” -Koran Surah 9, Verse 11
Germany appears to be taking the Swedish approach to Muslims who commit violent rape against old, disabled persons.

A taxi driver referred to as “Nihad S.” who raped a 64-year-old blind pensioner who he had known for two years has avoided prison. He had regularly driven the woman around Hannover, and on July 14th, 2013, decided when he was driving her home from surgery, it was a good time to rape her.

From the Local:

The attack was not pre-meditated, the court heard. The man had parked his taxi and told another driver to keep an eye on it while he helped the woman take her shopping up to the flat in the Bemerode area of Hannover.

Prosecutor Stefan Dach told the Hannover court: “In her flat he forced her onto the bed. The woman tried to push him away,” Bild newspaper reported.

During the assault, the 50-year-old was disturbed when his fellow taxi driver rang the door bell to find out where he was.

The father-of-three fled and was arrested by police on the same day.

In mitigation, his solicitor said Nihad S. had apologized and shown remorse. “It came about through him misjudging the situation,” they said.

But the victim’s lawyer said: “My client thought her age would protect her from sexual assaults,” the Hannoversche Allgemeine newspaper reported.

Nihad S. was sentenced to a two-year suspended prison sentence after admitting the charge. He will also have to pay the victim €3,600.

Bild reported the firm which employed him fired him on Monday, while authorities are also looking into taking his taxi licence away.