Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2015

There is freedom and democracy, and then there is Sweden, which takes true freedom to a whole new X-treme realm of X-citement.
Sweden is the X-Men of freedom and democracy.
Not only do they take the most refugees per capita, and allow them to perform whatever cultural acts they wish on the country – including rape of 12-year-olds – but they are also X-tremely progressive on homo rights issues, and believe that all men, whatever their age, have a right to cut off their own penises.

The Swedish government is set to vote on new proposals regarding transgendered children. The legislation would make irreversible surgical castration for 15-year-olds and legally changing the gender of 12-year-olds possible, against the will of parents.
The extreme proposals were published in a government commissioned report, “Legal sex and medical sex change“, authored by the Committee on the Age Limit for Approval of a Change of Gender at the beginning of the year. The committee is similar to the British government’s new Transgender Equalities Committee, which is set to make its own recommendations next year.
If the Swedish government accepts the recommendations they will become law in January 2016, making the nation the most ‘progressive’ in Europe on this issue.
Specifically, 15-year-olds would be allowed to decide for themselves if they want to change their legal gender and would be allowed to have a sex-change operation, with their parent’s consent. 12-year-olds would be allowed to change their legal gender, with their parents’ consent.
In the instance that a 12-year-old’s father does not think they are mature enough to change gender, or a 15-year-old’s mother does not want their child to amputate healthy organs, however, the report recommends authorities have the power to overrule the opposing parent.
So a high school freshman can call up the feminist government and say “yeah, I totally want to cut my own penis off, but my dad won’t let me. He also says he hates niggers.” And then you’re in. Dick sliced.
The report suggests, “giv[ing] Social Services the power to decide that permission can be given without one guardian’s approval, if that is in the best interest of the child.”
The committee also recommended that the process of obtaining a legal gender change and/or sex-change operation be swift and not require the advice or approval of psychologists or doctors.
The law should “not make any direct or indirect demands that the person is treated medically in order to receive a legal gender change.”
Jesus Christ help us.
Does anyone here remember being 15? The things you wanted to do, the way you acted? A 15-year-old brain is the epitome of instability, due to the raging of the hormones.
Allowing these people to permanently deform their bodies in such a sickening way – penis removal – is beyond criminal. Almost worse than replacing your population with Somalians, but I suppose the two go together – a people who would cut off their own dicks and the dicks of their children deserve to be replaced with Somalians.