Swedism: Old People Left to Starve So There is Enough Money for a Million More Immigrants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2014

Swedish Prime Minister and Anti-Swedish activist
Frederik Reinfeldt: Swedish Prime Minister and Anti-Swedish activist
Sweden is going broke.

As National Demokraten recently reported, the influx of immigrants is the main cause. These people have an extraordinary quality of life in Sweden, completely on the taxpayers dime. Recently, the government announced that it will be short 48 billion kronas ($7 billion) if the rapid surge of “asylum seekers” isn’t tapered.

The Prime Minister, the Civil Frederik Reinfeldt, maintains, however, that the immigrant invasion must continue whatever the cost.

“Now I ask the Swedish people to show patience. To show solidarity with the outside world. We must stand together to do it. In the long run, we are creating a better world,” Reinfeldt said in a recent speech.

In a meeting before the speech, presenting Sweden as a “humanitarian superpower,” he said “It leads to discussions about what it will cost, and I can already say that costs will be massive. We will not afford much else.”

This lecture about the importance of spending the nation’s entire budget on a massive immigration program designed to destroy the Swedish race comes at a time when Yngve Gustafson, Professor of Geriatrics, has just published a study saying that residents of Swedish nursing homes are so malnourished, many of them are on the edge of starvation, and may die of hunger.

What you goyim don't understand is that it is your job to spend the entirety of your resources to destroy your own race.
What you goyim don’t understand is that it is your job to spend the entirety of your resources to destroy your own race.

“We know that more than half of Swedish nursing homes are malnourished. This means that 15,000 elderly at these facilities are at risk of starving to death,” the professor said in a recent television interview.

He also noted that malnutrition weakens the immune system, and many elderly Swedes are already dying as a result of this.

But the resources do not exist to feed these starving old people, because Sweden has decided to spend everything they have on importing millions of Africans and other non-Whites. Sweden presently has the second highest rape rate in the entire world, with the vast majority – possibly even 100% – of rapes being committed by immigrants.

The Swedish people are literally letting their old folk starve so that they see their young girls brutally violated. This is beyond comprehension, but it truly is happening.

Goodbye, Swedish girls.  We love you.  But it's over.  You are intent on suicide, to fulfil whatever insane urge drives you.  We can only hope that your death as a nation serves as a warning to the rest of the White world.
Goodbye, Swedish girls. We love you. But it’s over. You are intent on suicide, to fulfil whatever insane urge drives you. We can only hope that your death as a nation serves as a warning to the rest of the White world.

The Swedish Migration Board forcasts 400,000 more immigrants will apply for entry to Sweden during the 2014-15 period. In the next five years, it is projected that they will take in another one million of these “asylum seekers.” This is an increase in population of more than ten percent. It would be like bringing 35 million Africans into the US.

The sad reality is, Sweden deserves to be destroyed. If we believe in the natural order – and we do – they have proven themselves unfit for continued existence by purposefully destroying themselves.

We will weep for you, Sweden. But you have made this decision.