Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 11, 2016

The problems with refugees is that Whites are not doing enough for them. The obvious solution is to force Europeans into unpaid labor in support of these people.
Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said on Sunday she would welcome the reintroduction of military and civilian conscription, saying it could make a difference in tackling crises like the massive influx of refugees from the Middle East.
“I am among those who welcome a modernised, gender-equal version of conscription, with both military and civilian components,” Wallstrom told a defence conference.
Yes, force the women to serve them as well.
And make sure you punish and shame them if they’re afraid to be alone around gangs of Arab men.
“Imagine if we had civilians in reserve this autumn and they could have been called on to reinforce the immigration agency,” she said in a speech widely quoted in local media, adding conscripts could also help out with natural disasters.
Well, it is now clear that the entire purpose of Swedish society is to serve Moslems, so it makes perfect sense to force everyone to do it.
I never would have thought of forcing everyone into unpaid servitude to Moslems. Thank Allah we have all of these Motherly female politicians to invent such brilliant ideas.