Daily Stormer
May 12, 2014

From Breitbart:
Now Reinfeldt is claiming that euroscepticism is dangerous “nationalism” according to a Reuters report.
Reinfeldt said in an interview last week: “(The economic crisis) has weakened the forces of integration or standing up for this European ideal.”
In an attempt to link resistance to the EU with what he called “destructive nationalism,” he pointed to “the kind of (nationalist) thinking behind that, which has been a problem in Europe for hundreds of years … [it] is very much the same kind of thinking you see Russia now doing in Ukraine or you will see in many forces throughout Europe.”
The “forces throughout Europe” to which he was referring appear to be the anti-EU parties in France, the Netherlands, Italy, Britain and elsewhere which are on course to return up to 200 members to the 751-seat European Parliament on May 22-25.
Right-wing anti-EU parties are polling strongly in Nordic countries. In Finland, the eurosceptical, anti-euro Finns Party likely to take 25 per cent of the 13 Finnish seats in the European Parliament.
In Sweden, the eurosceptic Sweden Democrats party showed five percent support in the latest Eurowatch opinion poll.
In the national elections in Sweden in September, which Reinfeldt and his Moderate Party look likely to lose to the Social Democrats, the Sweden Democrats could hold the balance of power.
The EU has fallen apart in the hearts and minds of the people, who do not want this scam forced upon them.
And all the king’s horses, and all the king’s men…