Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 19, 2016
It’s time for Whites to do more for terrorists.
Sweden has become exactly what Sweden would be if I ran it as a parody of Sweden.
A Swedish city is considering giving jihadists returning from Syria and Iraq free housing, a driver’s license, and tax benefits to ease their reintegration, but social media users have slammed the proposal, saying it ignores the terrorists’ victims.
The support for extremists was proposed by Anna Sjöstrand, a municipal coordinator against violent extremism in the city of Lund in southern Sweden.
Oh, a woman.
Why are White women so obsessed with flooding White countries with violent terrorists?
Is it because they are attempting to replace their own feminist men with aggressive and dominant men who will abolish feminism?
Is feminism itself a gigantic plot to end feminism?
“There may be criticism, but [I think] that you should get the same help as others who seek help from us. We can’t say that because you made a wrong choice, you have no rights to come back and live in our society,” Sjöstrand said on Swedish Sveriges Radio.
Sjöstrand’s proposal was based on a report written by author and criminologist Christoffer Carlsson, who says that it is difficult for people to abandon extremism and reintegrate into society without support.
“It’s a straight social, economic and material question. You need to be able to reintegrate into the job market, you may need to have a driving license, debt settlement and shelter,” he said.
According to Carlsson, “the risk is great that they [Islamist extremists] are unable to leave the extremist environment” without support, so “they might make an attempt and fail because they have nothing to keep them out, and there is always something to return to, namely the organization they left.”
The proposal has been eviscerated on social media, however, with users saying that Sweden is forgetting about the terrorists’ victims.
“Lund wants to help terrorists with housing, driver’s license and job, but forgets the victims,” one user wrote on Twitter, while another added: “Rapists, child murderers, terrorists. Everyone should be treated equally.”
Some users were calling for Sjöstrand’s resignation.
According to Sveriges Radio, a similar ‘welcoming’ approach is also being considered in the Swedish cities of Malmö, Borlänge, and Örebro.
Örebro was severely criticized in January after two IS terrorists – Liban Qadar, 23, and Mahamed Farah Osman, 24 – were offered internships in the municipality, but chose to return to Syria, where they were later killed in battle.
The incident has been classified as a clear failure for Thomas Gustafsson, Orebro’s head of partnership.
Research from the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) shows that at least 300 Swedish citizens had traveled to Iraq and Syria to join IS extremists as of April of this year.
Meanwhile, some 140 terrorists had already returned to Sweden as of October of this year, local media reported.
This is what happens when you decide genetics don’t exist and every single person is born exactly the same. All of their behavior must necessarily be the result of social factors. And if they live in a White society, those social factors are the fault of White people. So they just need to do more.
But do these genetics-deniers know that retards exist?
What about identical twins?
Or just, you know, the basics of genetic science?
How are we actually having a discussion about the existence of genetics?