Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2015

Ha! A Swedist woman has said that drowning migrants will be compared to the Holocaust.
What will Swedish feminists say next??? They do say the darnedest things, these wacky women!
This time though, she is definitely going to get an earful from the Jews. You aren’t ever allowed to compare anything to the Holocaust if it doesn’t have to do with Jews. If it does have to do with Jews, then even being overcharged for a bagel can be “a new Holocaust” or, as Jews tend to prefer to phrase it “like anuddah shoah!”
A Swedish MEP is stepping up a pan-European cross-party campaign for “legal and safe routes to Europe” for migrants in the wake of the latest Mediterranean boat disaster. Cecilia Wikström, has told The Local that EU member states are currently doing so little to help guarantee safe passage that future generations will compare their actions to Sweden “turning a blind eye” to the Holocaust.
The MEP – who is a long-time advocate of safer passage for refugees seeking safety in Europe – made headlines on Monday after she initially told Swedish television network SVT that future generations would liken the approach of EU governments to the policy of appeasement during the Second World War.
Speaking to The Local after the broadcast, the centre-right Liberal Party politician said: “I stand by what I was saying at breakfast time. I think that my children and grandchildren are going to ask why more wasn’t done to help people running away from Isis, or violence in Eritrea or wherever, when we knew that people were dying in their thousands. People will ask the same question they did after the war, ‘if you were aware, why didn’t you do something?’. In Sweden we allowed our railroads to be used to transfer Jews to Nazi death camps.”
“There are more refugees in the world today than during and after the Second World War…The world is on fire at the moment and we need to cope with that,” she added.
“After the tragic events in Lampedusa in October 2013, heads of state stood by the coffins said it should never happen again. But there is a new Lampedusa every week and people are still willing to watch it happen.”
White Knights, Assemble! Defend this noble Aryan female from the woman-haters of the Daily Stormer! Not all woman are like this! We need progress! Hitler was a feminist! Don’t be backward and regressive! We need women to help us save the White race!