Swedists Criminalize Criticism of Immigration

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
April 15, 2014

We cannot allow you to fight for your country, Swedes.
We cannot allow you to fight for your country, Swedes.

A new law will come into effect in Sweden after Christmas 2014, and it will allow people to be prosecuted for criticizing immigration or politician’s unwillingness to tackle the issue.

The Constitutional Committee’s report has been voted for in parliament, seen in a letter from the Parliamentary Offices .

Member of Parliament Andrew Norlén, member of the Constitutional Committee, has been pushing the issue and he says it will rapidly become a deterrent (to stopping White genocide in Sweden).

“I do not think it takes very many prosecutions before a signal is transmitted in the community that the internet is not a lawless country – the sheriff is back in town” Norlén said during a one-sided ‘debate’ on the issue in Swedish parliament.

This new law is meant to stop Swedish people from complaining about their genocide being committed by their anti-White regime in government.

Without freedom of speech there can be no democracy. If you are not allowed to say certain things then parties that support your ideas cannot exist.

All and ONLY White countries are expected to have opened borders so that millions of non-White immigrants can pour into our countries.

Then, we are expected to flood any White city, county, or neighborhood that is deemed “too White” with thousand of non-Whites. In short – there can be no “too White” community anywhere on the planet according to anti-Whites.

These two stages are not of a progressive immigration policy – they’re of a genocide by forced assimilation – because any area “too White” is forced to assimilate – legally.

This White Genocide is turning White people into a minority around the world from Australia to the US, to Canada, Britain, France, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Italy, and so on.diversity2