Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2015

Swiss army chief André Blattmann has issued a warning to the Swiss people that society is on the verge of going all Mad Max and they’d best begin arming themselves to the teeth before all hell breaks loose.
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten:
The situation is growing increasingly risky, Blattman begins.
“The threat of terror is rising, hybrid wars are being fought around the globe; the economic outlook is gloomy and the resulting migration flows of displaced persons and refugees have assumed unforeseen dimensions.”
Blattmann: “Social unrest can not be ruled out”, the vocabulary in public discourse will “dangerously aggressive.”
“The mixture is increasingly unappetizing” Blattmann sees the basis of Swiss prosperity, “has long been once again called into question.”
He recalls the situation around the two world wars in the last century and advises Switzerland, to arm themselves.
The Swiss Armed Forces had held many years ago maneuver, in which the starting point was focused on social unrest in Europe.
(Translation from Zero Hedge.)
There you have it, folks. He’s talking about a race war.
Of course, what he is saying is obvious. It isn’t just the Daily Stormer which has been saying this for years, but all of these high-level think tanks which examine social trends. No serious person believes that the migration influx, combined with Moslem terrorism (much of which is committed by migrants) is sustainable in the long term.
Really, it isn’t sustainable in the short term. Hell could break loose any second now. Events have already conflated, the pressure already built. All that is needed now is a spark to set it off.
This disco is already burning. The DJ just hasn’t announced it yet.