Swiss Lab Refuses to Comment on British-Made Chemicals Used Against Skripal

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2018

UK: Dressed for a situation where individuals who were individually poisoned with chemicals may have been days earlier.

Syria: Dressed for the middle of a chemical bomb attack.

Again: the gas hoax in Syria was a long time coming. Putin has been warning about it for months.

BUT it appears that the timing had something to do with the Skripal hoax falling apart.

The Skripal hoax was sloppy. All kinds of holes. And given that it was in the UK, there is actual scrutiny on it. And when it became clear that Skripal and his daughter were going to survive, part of the damage control was calling up the White Helmets and telling them to rush the gas hoax in Syria.


The Swiss state Spiez lab which has studied samples from Salisbury said it can “neither confirm nor deny” the Russian foreign minister’s statement that nerve agent BZ was used in Sergei Skripal’s poisoning.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made waves on Saturday when he said that Sergei Skripal, a former Russian double agent, and his daughter Yulia, were poisoned with an incapacitating toxin known as 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate, or simply BZ. While the toxin was never produced in Russia, it was in service in the US, UK and other NATO states.

The top Russian diplomat was citing the results of the examination conducted by the Spiez lab, designated by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The Swiss chemical laboratory worked with the samples that London handed over to the OPCW, Lavrov said.

“We cannot have any statement on that,” Andreas Bucher, Spiez Laboratory’s strategy and communications head, told TASS on Monday.

“We are contractually bound to the OPCW for confidentiality. So, the only institution that could confirm what Mr. Lavrov was saying is the OPCW. We cannot confirm or deny anything,” he added.

The Swiss state research center is controlled by the country’s Federal Office for Civil Protection and, ultimately, by the defense minister.

Eventually, it will be quietly admitted that this was a chemical agent produced in Britain. And the UK government will say “yeah, sure but… we don’t know where it came from or who did it, maybe the Russians are trying TO FRAME US.”

It won’t matter, because the narrative already will have moved forward and past this whole thing. There will have been several more anti-Russian false flag hoaxes by the time they admit this narrative was faked.

That is the way this goes. They keep burying exposed hoaxes with other hoaxes.

They are basically hoax junkies, these people.

Russia literally did nothing wrong.

No Russian ever called me goy.