Swiss Police Fire at Communist Agitators Promoting Ethnic Cleansing

National Youth Front
September 6, 2015

Today in Zurich, Switzerland, useful idiots who believe in fairy tails like Communism clashed with police while promoting the further demographic displacement of their fellow citizens with economic opportunists traveling to Europe who could care less about the future of their own countrymen they are leaving behind.

Antifa, the group of violent demonstrators seen in the video, are nothing more than drug addicted, ignorant tools being used by billionaires to further enrich themselves through flooding the labor market and thereby maximizing their profits. The irony being that these shills actually believe that they are fighting “the system” (i.e. billionaires, corporations, and the government), but instead are doing exactly what these individuals and institutions would like them to. Many of them become involved in political activism as a means to cope psychologically with their own personal shortcomings so they can feel good about themselves, when in reality they are avoiding personal responsibility for their own poor choices (and defending others who reject responsibility for themselves as well).

Unlike antifa, National Youth Front has many normal people dedicated to taking on the responsibility that our parents generation rejected to ensure that future generations aren’t born into a world of chaos and hate. One in which they are a despised minority in their own nations, and destructive, anti-social lifestyles are not promoted. If you have not joined yet, the time is now. Take a stand with us and become what we are meant to be.