Switzerland: 62% Believe Islam is Incompatible with Society

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2016


You see, originally they were like “no no, don’t worry – they will adopt our culture and convert to Atheism.”

Then that didn’t happen, so they were just like “actually, we have to keep their culture – it makes society more interesting to have competing cultures fighting with one another.”

Then they said that because no one of the brown races wants to convert, Islam itself is an actual race now.

The whole thing just shows how they get you if you don’t stick to real, genetically certifiable racial lines when determining the course of your society. When they first began the importation of hajis, the people should have said “no, we don’t want any brown people here.”

Then they wouldn’t be in this mess.

20 Minutes:

Recognising Islam at the same level as Christianity and Judaism in Switzerland is not likely to happen any time soon. Only 39% of the people asked would approve of such a measure.

To the question of whether it is right to place Islam at the same level as Christianity and Judaism in Switzerland, 61% of those polled said “No” or “Quite against”, according to a poll in Matin Dimanche and the SonntagsZeitung. Nineteen per cent say “yes” and 20% “quite in favour”.

A majority of 62% of Swiss people say Islam has no place in Switzerland. Thirty-eight per cent think the opposite. For 80% of Swiss people, Christian values form part of Swiss identity.

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.

Yes, I get that 62% and 39% creates a larger number than is normally allowed. But this is due to the rate at which Moslems breed.

Seriously though, I guess it was 61.5% and 38.5% and they rounded them both up?