Switzerland: People Running the Suicide Booth Arrested After American Woman Uses Service

Bitch, we’ve got guns in this country.

If you don’t want to shoot yourself, just go into a black neighborhood and someone will eventually shoot you.

No need to waste money on a plane ticket.

New York Post:

A 64-year-old US woman this week became the first person to use a “suicide pod” to end her life — and several people have now been detained in Switzerland over the death.

The woman, a Midwesterner who was not named publicly, died Monday afternoon in the portable, 3D-printed chamber called a Sarco, short for “sarcophagus” — and dubbed the “Tesla of euthanasia” — near the Swiss-German border, according to the assisted-suicide group Exit International.

The group should be called “Dipping Out.”

She was given a chilling command by the morbid machine before she took her last breaths.

If you want to die, press this button,” the machine said, according to the AFP.

That is creepy as shit, for sure.

Daily Stormer identified Norway as a threat for a long time. Or wait, this is Switzerland. Whatever. Same same.

The woman suffered from “severe immune compromise,” the group said.

Switzerland is one of the few countries where foreigners can travel to legally end their lives through assisted suicide, which must not involve a doctor but can include outside help.

But Swiss officials said the controversial pod — which floods its chamber with nitrogen, causing the user’s oxygen levels to plummet to deadly levels — has not yet been approved for use.

Florian Willet, the co-president of Exit International’s Swiss affiliate, the Last Resort, was the only witness to the woman’s death, which he described as “peaceful, fast and dignified,” the organization said.

Yeah, he’s a creeper for sure.

Florian Willet

Probably, the reason these people were arrested was because it was an American, not because the machine was untested or whatever. America doesn’t want these headlines. We are told constantly that the Western European homosexuals are the good guys. No one wants to be faced with a question as to whether or not there are suicide booths in Russia.

You’d think people would be afraid to go to these suicide countries for fear that someone would drug them and them put them in the suicide booth.

Remember when that Jew faggot Eli Roth made “Hostel” and made people afraid of Eastern Europe for literally no reason?

There is a reason to be afraid of suicide countries.

What if someone, like, hypnotized you?

If people want to kill themselves, they should do it the normal way: with a gun or a rope.

Countries with these suicide booths should be sanctioned.

Post Script

Regarding the issue of suicide booths: the new seasons of Futurama are the only good thing Disney has done in a long time, aside from Deadpool. Disney does fine as long as they have no direct involvement in whatever production they are doing. They’re now for sure wishing they would have used the 20th Century Fox model on LucasArts.