Switzerland: Soldiers Suspended for Saluting in Front of Snow Swastika

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2017

What exactly did they do wrong though?


The Swiss Army has detained six soldiers after a photo was published of them dressed in uniform and making a Nazi salute in front of a swastika stomped in the snow. The soldiers may face a prison term if found guilty of spreading Nazi propaganda.

The scandal involving the six soldiers broke last week, when the photo was published by Swiss newspaper SonntagsBlick.

The soldiers have been detained and their case handed over to a military tribunal.

Making the Nazi salute or displaying a swastika are not necessarily crimes in Switzerland. A landmark court decision in 2014 ruled that Nazi symbols may be protected by freedom of speech as long as they are not used to spread racist ideology. But if they do, the punishment may be as harsh as three years in prison.

Regardless of the results of the investigation, three of the soldiers were forced to withdraw their applications for a career in the Swiss armed forces despite serving the mandatory term as conscripts.

So ban them.


There is a storm coming.

And all the bans in the world can’t stop it.

Banning people for saluting is at this point like trying to stop a mac truck by throwing sunflower seed shells at it.