Switzerland: State Kidnaps Teen Girl After Parents Refuse Trannification

The parents giving an interview to ADF International

Remember when Anglin said they were going to start kidnapping kids to turn them into trannies?

It’s just Standard Operating Procedure now, in every white country.

Human Events:

Swiss parents are appealing the decision of authorities to separate their child from them for over a year after they refused to legally endorse their child’s gender transition, according to a Press Release published on Thursday.

The release states that the parents, who have remained anonymous to protect their family, declined puberty blockers for their biological daughter who expressed “gender confusion” and opted to get their child mental health care. They were concerned that their child was being “pushed to make hasty and potentially irreversible decisions,” per the statement.

Because of this, Swiss authorities removed the child from their care and placed the child in a government shelter, where the child has remained for over a year and “is being encouraged to pursue dangerous medical interventions to ‘transition’.” The parents are now facing “a legal stand-off over their fundamental rights as parents to care for their child” as they appeal the decision.

Along with the press release, the parents released a video with their faces blurred and voices altered.

The mother and the father said: “I can’t believe we live in a society where your child can be taken away from you simply for trying to protect her. We want our daughter back home. We love her and we miss her.”

Cromwell threw a revolution because he didn’t like Irish Catholics. The US Founding Fathers threw a revolution over 2% tax on tea. Or so the story goes.

Modern Western elites are fine with the government kidnapping kids and having gay sex with them, mutilating their bodies.

This is the thing The Science used to determine she needs to chop her tits off and inject herself with tranny chemicals