Switzerland Votes to Close Borders

Daily Stormer
February 10, 2014

Stay German, Switzerland.
Stay German, Switzerland.
Good news from Switzerland.

Bloomberg reports:

Almost 12 years after opening borders to EU expatriates, Swiss citizens recoiled, backing an initiative to impose undefined quotas on immigration by 50.3 percent in a national vote yesterday.


The surprise result led to tensions in Zurich late yesterday, with some demonstrators throwing stones at buildings, the city’s police said.


Infrastructure, especially trains and housing, hasn’t been able to accommodate all the newcomers, the SVP says. They also attribute a rising crime rate to Switzerland’s open borders with neighboring countries, such as France and Italy.


The Swiss decision wagered satisfied reactions from Marine Le Pen, head of France’s anti-EU National Front, and Heinz-Christian Strache, the leader of Austria’s anti-immigrant Freedom Party.

Those French – always raising crime rates everywhere they go, aren’t they! Buncha thugs, those French people! If you see a group of French walking toward you down the street, you’d better just turn and head the other way!

These journalists are worse than the Jews. They should all be hanged.

Stay German, Switzerland.
Stay German, Switzerland.