Sydney: Deplorable Stabber of White Man Charged with Terrorism

Daily Stormer
September 11, 2016


Oh of course, racist Australians not even considering mental health problems – even in the midst of an international mental health crisis that only affects brown people.

New York Times:

A man charged with committing a terrorist act and attempted murder after allegedly stabbing a man in Sydney was inspired by the Islamic State group, police said Sunday.

Wayne Greenhalgh, 59, was stabbed several times while walking through a park in suburban Minto in southwest Sydney on Saturday afternoon and is in critical condition, police said in a statement.

The suspect, Ihsas Khan, 22, also attempted to stab a police officer before he was arrested, police said. He was charged Sunday and faces a potential life prison sentence if convicted.

Khan was refused bail in the Parramatta Bail Court and his case was adjourned until Wednesday. He did not enter pleas.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull noted that the attack came on the eve of the 15th anniversary of the al-Qaida attacks on the United States.

“Connecting them both is a violent Islamist ideology,” Turnbull told reporters.

Khan and Greenhalgh did not know each other, and New South Wales Deputy Police Commissioner Catherine Burn described the attack as planned and deliberate.

“This was clearly a very volatile, a very violent situation that police and the members of the community were confronted with,” Burn told reporters.

Khan shouted words at the scene, which led police to believe he was inspired by the Islamic State group, Burn said.