Daily Stormer
May 22, 2017
Their God is the brown man, their faith is the destruction of White America.
The Jew was never satisfied simply darkening our nations through the forced immigration of third world sludge. No, the eternal parasite must also darken our souls – by corrupting our own religious beliefs.
After Christianity was completely stripped of all it’s roots to traditional Europe, the Kikes have seen fit to reverse all of it’s moral values. Now most churches promote sodomy, individualism and the worship of foreigners.
Is it any surprise that these same churches are now conspiring with the Jews to protect the taco hordes at the expense of their White brothers and sisters?
There is a peaceful rebellion growing against federal immigration law and the interpretation of that law by the Trump administration. More than 800 houses of worship across the country have volunteered to shelter illegal immigrants and their families who face deportation — daring federal agents to step through their stained-glass doors. The churches and synagogues are joining more than 600 cities and counties that have declared themselves sanctuaries—ordering their police not to detain people if it’s only because of their immigration status. In no other venue of the law has so much of the nation stood in defiance of Washington.
We need an app to detect Jewed-out priests and revoke their tax-exempt status.
Aren’t non-profit organizations supposed to maintain political neutrality? How can it be tolerated that churches encourage people to violate the law for the reason of undermining the government’s political agenda?
Just like sanctuary cities need to be defunded, cucked Jew-churches need to have their tax-exempt status revoked immediately for being subversive organizations.
Federal agents can arrest Flores in the church, but U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known as ICE, has a decades-long policy of avoiding places of worship, schools and hospitals.
Daniel Ragsdale: My advice would be they should come out of the basement of the churches and follow the law.
My advice is that ICE needs to revise their insane policies and start arresting criminals regardless of what hole they happen to hide in.
If ICE can’t do the job…
President Trump: You see what’s happening at the border, all of a sudden for the first time, we’re getting gang members out, we’re getting drug lords out. We’re getting really bad dudes out of this country. And at a rate that no one has ever seen before and they are the bad ones.
It’s not just the bad guys. The fact is in the Trump administration, according to ICE, about 11,000 undocumented people with no criminal records have been detained so far—that’s twice as many as last year. Because of this, the number of religious institutions across the country offering sanctuary has doubled to 800.
Just last week this church in Buffalo, New York, offered sanctuary to a family of six from Honduras. The church has opened its doors to 40 illegal immigrants since January. When congregations in cities including Phoenix, Denver and Philadelphia give sanctuary, they are in open defiance of immigration law.
11,000 is a drop in the bucket.
Honestly, even 11 million would be unacceptable.
American voted for a very clear agenda: build a wall, deport them all.
And that means we not only deport every single last beanperson, but we also dig up the dead and deport the bodies as well. In fact, we need to retroactively deport every last Mexican who ever touched US soil, altering historical records and surgically removing people’s memories of them if necessary.
Yes – we’ll even deport them from our very minds.
The people have spoken.
This is what they want.