Syria: American-Trained Forces Accidentally Give Equipment to Terrorists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2015

Goyim, I...
Goyim, I…

Another big accident in Syria as US-trained “rebels” who are instructed to just show up in Syria and start fighting both ISIS, al-Queda and Assad, apparently, just gave a bunch of stuff to al-Queda.


Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants.

The rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra intermediary on Sept. 21-22 in exchange for safe passage, said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, in a statement.

If they had them in a position to take their stuff, why would they not take all of it?

Unless they were viewed as allies?

And they were like “yo, bro, lemme get some of those trucks and guns and crap,” and the US-trained guys were like “yeah, bro, take some of this shit, we got too much of it anyway, dawg.”

"Yeah bro, take whatever you need, we're sick of carrying all this crap anyway lol"
“Yeah bro, take whatever you need, we’re sick of carrying all this crap anyway lol”

Why is this question not being asked in any of the ten articles I just read about this situation?

“If accurate, the report of NSF members providing equipment to al Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train and equip program guidelines,” Ryder said, using an acronym for the rebels, called the New Syrian Forces.

Read: “Dude IDK ROTFLMAO.”

U.S. Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East, was told of the equipment surrender around 1 p.m. on Friday, Ryder said. Earlier on Friday, Ryder had said all weapons and equipment issued to the rebels remained under their control.

For those who didn’t know, the head of US Central Command is affirmative action hire Lloyd Austin.

Yo dawg, we heard you like funding terrorism in the Middle East, so we put a Black guy in charge of military operations so that every time you accidentally gave a bunch of weapons and crap to terrorists, his mom could go on TV and be like “he a good boy, he didn’t do nothing.”

These “accidents” seem to happen quite a lot.

A top U.S. general told Congress last week that only a handful of the rebels are still fighting in Syria, though U.S. military officials said this week that dozens more have since joined them.

The actual statement was, and I quote “It’s a small number. … We’re talking four or five.”

Related: General Admits None of McCain’s Dudes are Fighting ISIS Anymore

U.S. officials have told Reuters that a review is underway that could result in scaling back and reenvisioning the program.

“Scaling back.”

Read: “we about to get dafugggg up out dis muffugguh now be a Russian Putin upindis bitch.”

The Rebel Situation

For those who don’t know, I’ll just give a brief layman’s explanation of the “rebel alliance” in Syria.

there are only really two sides fighting in Syria: Assad, and ISIS. All of these other terrorist groups have basically bowed down to ISIS. They were killing each other for a while, but they aren’t now, at least not very often.

About five years ago, the US government (read: Jews) began this “Arab spring” thing, where they gave terrorists weapons and air support to overthrow the remaining stable governments in the region. These groups they fund are hardcore chaotic evil, while the government claims they are lawful neutral.

Colonel Gaddafi was sodomized before he was murdered by US-funded terrorists.
Colonel Gaddafi was sodomized before he was murdered by US-funded terrorists.
Probably should have thought this through a little better, huh?
Probably should have thought this through a little better, huh?

In 2011, Gaddaffi was killed and they moved these people into Syria to try and overthrow Assad. At the time, they were basically just random “al-Queda” types.

Then in 2013, this ISIS thing popped up, and used all these US weapons to invade and conquer big parts

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2015

Goyim, I...
Goyim, I…

Another big accident in Syria as US-trained “rebels” who are instructed to just show up in Syria and start fighting both ISIS, al-Queda and Assad, apparently, just gave a bunch of stuff to al-Queda.


Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants.

The rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra intermediary on Sept. 21-22 in exchange for safe passage, said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, in a statement.

If they had them in a position to take their stuff, why would they not take all of it?

Unless they were viewed as allies?

And they were like “yo, bro, lemme get some of those trucks and guns and crap,” and the US-trained guys were like “yeah, bro, take some of this shit, we got too much of it anyway, dawg.”

"Yeah bro, take whatever you need, we're sick of carrying all this crap anyway lol"
“Yeah bro, take whatever you need, we’re sick of carrying all this crap anyway lol”

Why is this question not being asked in any of the ten articles I just read about this situation?

“If accurate, the report of NSF members providing equipment to al Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train and equip program guidelines,” Ryder said, using an acronym for the rebels, called the New Syrian Forces.

Read: “Dude IDK ROTFLMAO.”

U.S. Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East, was told of the equipment surrender around 1 p.m. on Friday, Ryder said. Earlier on Friday, Ryder had said all weapons and equipment issued to the rebels remained under their control.

For those who didn’t know, the head of US Central Command is affirmative action hire Lloyd Austin.

Yo dawg, we heard you like funding terrorism in the Middle East, so we put a Black guy in charge of military operations so that every time you accidentally gave a bunch of weapons and crap to terrorists, his mom could go on TV and be like “he a good boy, he didn’t do nothing.”

These “accidents” seem to happen quite a lot.

A top U.S. general told Congress last week that only a handful of the rebels are still fighting in Syria, though U.S. military officials said this week that dozens more have since joined them.

The actual statement was, and I quote “It’s a small number. … We’re talking four or five.”

Related: General Admits None of McCain’s Dudes are Fighting ISIS Anymore

U.S. officials have told Reuters that a review is underway that could result in scaling back and reenvisioning the program.

“Scaling back.”

Read: “we about to get dafugggg up out dis muffugguh now be a Russian Putin upindis bitch.”

The Rebel Situation

For those who don’t know, I’ll just give a brief layman’s explanation of the “rebel alliance” in Syria.

there are only really two sides fighting in Syria: Assad, and ISIS. All of these other terrorist groups have basically bowed down to ISIS. They were killing each other for a while, but they aren’t now, at least not very often.

About five years ago, the US government (read: Jews) began this “Arab spring” thing, where they gave terrorists weapons and air support to overthrow the remaining stable governments in the region. These groups they fund are hardcore chaotic evil, while the government claims they are lawful neutral.

Colonel Gaddafi was sodomized before he was murdered by US-funded terrorists.
Colonel Gaddafi was sodomized before he was murdered by US-funded terrorists.
Probably should have thought this through a little better, huh?
Probably should have thought this through a little better, huh?

In 2011, Gaddaffi was killed and they moved these people into Syria to try and overthrow Assad. At the time, they were basically just random “al-Queda” types.

Then in 2013, this ISIS thing popped up, and used all these US weapons to invade and conquer big parts of Iraq.

Though it is debatable, it is unclear whether ISIS was initiated by the US and/or Israel, or if it just manifest from the chaos. I haven’t seen it proved definitively either way.

There are theories that the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is Mossad-trained and may be a Jew or half-Jew. Though the proof is not definitive, it wouldn't be surprising.
There are theories that the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is Mossad-trained and may be a Jew or half-Jew. Though the proof is not definitive, it wouldn’t be surprising.
What isn't theoretical is that John McCain went to Syria and gave a bunch of shekels to guys who would late become top ISIS guys. Could have been an accident, could have been he just doesn't really care what happens.
What isn’t theoretical is that John McCain went to Syria and gave a bunch of shekels to guys who would late become top ISIS guys. Could have been an accident, could have been he just doesn’t really care what happens, as long as it’s chaos. Could have been on purpose. Thousands of pages on all this stuff, just Google it.

What is clear now, however, is that the US and Israel are funneling weapons to ISIS, because they view it as a good thing to get rid of Assad. Suspiciously, ISIS seems to have minimal interest in killing Jews.

ISIS was the most well organized of the groups fighting Assad, with the most resources, so they were the de facto leaders of the “rebellion” (it isn’t really a good word, since most of these people are from other counties).

Israel has good relations with the Sunni Gulf states, and bad relations with Shiite Hezbollah and Iran, both of which are backing Assad.

Saudi Arabia is a puppet state of the Jews.
Saudi Arabia is a puppet state of the Jews.

What the US keeps saying is that they are against all parties in Syria, and want to use “four or five guys” to install a new democracy in the country.

This is obviously retarded, and any cursory glance at the situation makes this clear. So, any weapons going into the country ultimately go to ISIS.

As I said above, if the al-Queda forces, which are allied with ISIS, only took 25% of the equipment from the US-backed rebels, they must view them as allies, otherwise they just would have killed them all and taken all their stuff.


Next Step?

Affirmative Action Man, Head of Centcom, says they are “scaling back.” This basically means “Putin is here, we’re leaving, because pushing around a bunch of brown people is one thing, fighting a proxy-war against Russia is a whole other issue.”

"Nigga u da bes pick."
“Nigga u da bes pick. You goo boy.”
"What I be tryin to speak yall, we bes get on up out dis bitch."
“What I be tryin to speak yall, we bes get on up out dis bitch.”
"Dees muffugguhs up in dat bitch nah, dey be Rassen n' shit, dawg."
“Dees muffugguhs up in dat bitch nah, dey be Rassen n’ shit, dawg.”

Netanyahu himself has also said he is going to back off, because Putin told him to.

Related: Israel Losing Big as Russia Intervenes in Syria

So, Russia is going to clean up the situation, put Assad back in control of probably most of Syria. It isn’t clear how far this will go, and if they will also assist in the fight against Jew-ISIS in Iraq. No one is really talking about that, but it is very possible.

Exciting times!

it's happening now

of Iraq.

Though it is debatable, it is unclear whether ISIS was initiated by the US and/or Israel, or if it just manifest from the chaos. I haven’t seen it proved definitively either way.

There are theories that the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is Mossad-trained and may be a Jew or half-Jew. Though the proof is not definitive, it wouldn't be surprising.
There are theories that the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is Mossad-trained and may be a Jew or half-Jew. Though the proof is not definitive, it wouldn’t be surprising.
What isn't theoretical is that John McCain went to Syria and gave a bunch of shekels to guys who would late become top ISIS guys. Could have been an accident, could have been he just doesn't really care what happens.
What isn’t theoretical is that John McCain went to Syria and gave a bunch of shekels to guys who would late become top ISIS guys. Could have been an accident, could have been he just doesn’t really care what happens, as long as it’s chaos. Could have been on purpose. Thousands of pages on all this stuff, just Google it.

What is clear now, however, is that the US and Israel are funneling weapons to ISIS, because they view it as a good thing to get rid of Assad. Suspiciously, ISIS seems to have minimal interest in killing Jews.

ISIS was the most well organized of the groups fighting Assad, with the most resources, so they were the de facto leaders of the “rebellion” (it isn’t really a good word, since most of these people are from other counties).

Israel has good relations with the Sunni Gulf states, and bad relations with Shiite Hezbollah and Iran, both of which are backing Assad.

Saudi Arabia is a puppet state of the Jews.
Saudi Arabia is a puppet state of the Jews.

What the US keeps saying is that they are against all parties in Syria, and want to use “four or five guys” to install a new democracy in the country.

This is obviously retarded, and any cursory glance at the situation makes this clear. So, any weapons going into the country ultimately go to ISIS.

As I said above, if the al-Queda forces, which are allied with ISIS, only took 25% of the equipment from the US-backed rebels, they must view them as allies, otherwise they just would have killed them all and taken all their stuff.


Next Step?

Affirmative Action Man, Head of Centcom, says they are “scaling back.” This basically means “Putin is here, we’re leaving, because pushing around a bunch of brown people is one thing, fighting a proxy-war against Russia is a whole other issue.”

"Nigga u da bes pick."
“Nigga u da bes pick. You goo boy.”
"What I be tryin to speak yall, we bes get on up out dis bitch."
“What I be tryin to speak yall, we bes get on up out dis bitch.”
"Dees muffugguhs up in dat bitch nah, dey be Rassen n' shit, dawg."
“Dees muffugguhs up in dat bitch nah, dey be Rassen n’ shit, dawg. Aint no joke. How we sposed ta burn dis bitch down, got Rassens upinder?”

Netanyahu himself has also said he is going to back off, because Putin told him to.

Related: Israel Losing Big as Russia Intervenes in Syria

So, Russia is going to clean up the situation, put Assad back in control of probably most of Syria. It isn’t clear how far this will go, and if they will also assist in the fight against Jew-ISIS in Iraq. No one is really talking about that, but it is very possible.

Exciting times!

it's happening now