Syria: Mega Bombing Apparently Carried Out by White American Convert

May 31, 2014

He seemed like such a cool dude.  Until he blew himself up for Allah.
He seemed like such a cool dude. Until he blew himself up for Allah.

Evidence is mounting that significant numbers of US citizens are participating in the US backed Jihad in Syria. These people will undoubtedly go on to commit terrorist attacks in the west later.

Video shows the American citizen driving a dump truck full of bombs towards a Syrian military base. The dump truck is decorated with the black banners of Al Qaeda. The dump truck explodes into a giant fireball.

The Obama regime is funding militant Jihadists in Syria and the US State Department provides them with diplomatic support.

Video has also surfaced of two California gangbangers fighting with the Lebanese based Shitte militia Hezbollah. That militia group is fighting against US backed Sunni Jihadists.

Read Article in Foreign Policy Magazine.