Syria Truce Violated in Less Than an Hour

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 12, 2016


Let’s just trust the shady terrorist groups that it was Assad’s fault.

New York Times:

A cease-fire in the Syrian civil war, negotiated by Russia and the United States, officially took effect at sundown on Monday after a weekend of intensified fighting and a vow by the president to retake the entire country.

Despite widespread pessimism over how long the cease-fire would last, calm was widely reported after it took effect at 7 p.m. local time, with a few notable exceptions.

Less than an hour into the truce, residents in the divided northern city of Aleppo said via text message that a government helicopter had dropped explosive cylinders on a rebel-held district. And in the southern province of Dara’a, a rebel faction said in a statement that it had killed four government soldiers.

There have been extensive doubts expressed among many entangled in the conflict that the cease-fire, timed to coincide with the start of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, would be respected.

Under the terms, if it holds for seven days, the United States and Russia will undertake a new collaboration of airstrikes against jihadist militants in Syria, and the Syrian air force will be barred from flying over insurgent-held areas.

The United States supports an alliance of rebel groups and Russia supports President Bashar al-Assad. But both countries share an antipathy for the Islamic State and Nusra Front fighters who have seized parts of Syria and made it a magnet for Islamic jihadists.

Anyway, great try, guys.